Understanding MTSS

What is MTSS?

MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is the framework that Reading Public Schools uses to ensure high quality instruction and accessible interventions for all students to thrive in their academic and social emotional development.


The MTSS framework allows the district to support multiple, concurrent initiatives for academics, behavior, or social-emotional learning. This framework allows for efficient and effective initiatives by creating a decision-making process, a system for measuring progress, and a method for building- or district-based implementation.

The Reading Public Schools started MTSS work in the 14-15 school year in response to concerning trends in substance use among students as detailed in two surveys from Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA). Therefore MTSS began with several initiatives in Social-Emotional Learning to address these skills, such as:

  • Open Circle training
  • Trauma-sensitive classroom work through Lesley
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid for all staff

This was made possible when Reading received the federal School Climate Transformation Grant and continue to be expanded upon each year.

In the following years, we have used data to determine our biggest areas of concern and introduced new initiatives to meet the evolving needs, like:

  • Landmark Outreach training for staff on teaching Executive Functioning;
  • Universal Design of Learning to increase differentiation in the classroom;
  • Collaborative and Proactive Solutions for Tier III 1:1 behavior planning;
  • And more!